Monday, July 23, 2012

<<<<<"भरोसा ">>>>
सिखाना है गर  करना भरोसा तो परिंदों से सीखो .....!
......लौटते वक़्त दिन ढलने पर देखो  उनको...
कुछ भी तो होता नहीं चोंच में उनकी ...!!!
.....दाना अनाज का कोई कल के लिए ...
मिलेगा मुक्कदर और मेह्नत से जरुर .........!!!!!
......है जितनी जरुरत तुम्हारे लिए...........
(सत्य ....शर्मा )

Thursday, May 24, 2012

 <<<<<< "True Beauty of Heart ">>>>>>
I am not handsome.............!
.........But ..........
I can give my hand to ........!!
Some one....Who needs help..........!!!
Beauty is in Heart not in Face...!!!!
(Satya ...... sharma)

Monday, May 21, 2012


Author: JD

You are my inspiration
having you in my life
revived my sleeping devotion
You are indeed a special someone

Loving you gives me hope
to free this misery that I coped
in those times I gave up
You came and I stood up

Never will I forget
how you always cheer me up
every time I’m sad
and for that I’m glad

Whenever I’m lonely
You were there for me
keeping my heart alive
with your every smile

I dedicate this poem to you
to show how much you meant
to me I love you
My special someone

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Affection is the expression of care. It symbolizes security, protection, comfort and approval -- vital ingredients in any relationship. When one spouse is affectionate toward the other, the following messages are sent:
You are important to me. I will care for you and protect you.
I'm concerned about the problems you face and will be there for you when you need me.

Affection is, for many, the essential cement of a relationship. Without it, many feel totally alienated. With it, they become emotionally bonded. If you feel terrific when your spouse is affectionate, and you feel terrible when there is not enough of it, you have the emotional need for affection .

<<<<< 'वर्षा हुई प्यार की'>>>>>>

"तन के आँगन में वर्षा हुई प्यार की;
मन में बहने लगी इक नदी प्यार की।

चार पल ही बिताये कभी साथ में,
लगता जी ली हो पूरी सदी प्यार की।

स्वाद अब और कोई सुहाता नहीं,
जब से प्राणों ने बूटी चखी प्यार की।

घुल गई है हवाओं में चारों तरफ़,
ऐसी साँसों में खुशबू भरी प्यार की।

ज़िन्दगी में अँधेरे रहे ही नहीं,
देख ली है नई रोशनी प्यार की।

कोरे मन पर उभरते रहे शेर सब,
जब नज़र ने ग़ज़ल इक लिखी प्यार की।

कामनाओं का वन लहलहाने लगा,
मिल गई जब जड़ों को नमी प्यार की।

वह समझने लगा बादशाहत मिली,
जिसको भी मिल गई इक कनी प्यार की।

टीस बन कर उभरती रहे उम्र भर,
हो 'भरद्वाज' यदि इक कमी प्यार की।"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

>>>>>> "मातृदिवस पर "<<<<<<
मुझे मोहब्बत है अपने हाथ की सब उँगलियों से ..!
........क्यों की ..........
ना जाने कौन सी उंगली पकड़ कर मेरी माँ ने मुझे चलना सिखाया होगा ....!!
फिर लौटा दे मुझे वो सकून के दिन , आ लौट के आ ...ओ माँ ..ओ माँ ..मेरी माँ ..आ जा ना ..!!!
>>>>>> " On Mother's Day " <<<<<<<
I love all the fingures of my hand........!
I don't know holding which fingure my mother teach me walking.....!!
Please return me that plesent days of my childhood....come back...
O mother... come again ...O my dear mother... please .. please come agine once..!!!
(Satya ...Sharma )

Friday, May 11, 2012

>>>>> "ANGEL OF MY LIFE "<<<<<

Author: Manuel

I love you so much that words can't explain
this joy that I have for you.!
When I am at the weakest point of my life
you are there encouraging me to run this race
because I am not only cause you are there with me. !
You are on my mind day and night. !
When we are apart I picture you gracious smile and gentle hug.!
I can let my feelings out to you and won't regret it
because no matter what is you are always on my side.!
I thank God for sending me someone like you who is precious and loving.!

So I can truly say that you are the Angel of My Life!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pray To God

<<<<<<< " Pray To God ">>>>>>
Question - I want to Pray to God. Please teach me the way.
Osho - DON’T bother God, He’s got his own problems. Don’t you see whatsoever He creates dies? Keep your problems to yourself. Why should one want to pray to God? God does not need your prayers. You may be in need of those prayers, but they will not be anything more than vocalizing your desires, your de-mands, expressing your complaints. That’s what people are doing in the name of prayer – complaining and complaining and complaining, and saying ’Things should not be like this.’ Trying to help God to become a little more wise.

No, prayer is not needed, what is needed is meditation. Meditation has no reference to God. Meditation transforms you; it takes no account of God. And you don’t know about God in any way – how will you pray to something unknown, something x-y-z? In what language are you going to pray to God? You don’t know Him at all. And there are people who say ’By praying to God you will come to know Him.’ But prayer presupposes as a requirement, basic requirement, that you should KNOW, only then can you pray. You should know, only then can you love. How can you love an unknown God? Your prayer will be formal; it will be nothing but a cliche.

Meditation is a totally different dimension. Kabir will suggest meditation, Buddha has suggested meditation, I suggest meditation. Meditation is a different approach – it has nothing to do with God, it has something to do with you, with your mind. It has to create a silence within you, a deep utter silence. In that utter silence you will start feeling the presence of God.

Prayer is a consequence of real meditation. Only a meditator can pray – because he knows, because he feels, because now God’s presence is not just an argument, not a logical thing, but something experienced, something lived. And then prayer is no more a corn plaint. Then prayer is a surrender, then prayer is pure love – no desire attached to it, no conditions. It is sheer gratefulness.

Let prayer come after meditation. Meditate. Meditation will prepare your heart, it will cleanse you. It will cleanse you of your thoughts, it will throw out all the rubbish that you have been carrying in your head for ages, for lives; it will make space for prayer to happen. Meditation is like preparing a ground for a rose bed: prayer is like a rose. First you have to prepare the ground – you have to remove the weeds, you have to change the soil, you have to throw out all the stones.

Meditation prepares the bed. And only in a prepared bed can you plant roses. Otherwise weeds will overrun your roses and weeds will exploit the whole soil and your roses will not get much – they will be poor roses. And if there are stones in the ground the growth of the roses will be stunted.

First prepare the ground, then prayer happens on its own accord. Prayer is something that you cannot do. Meditation is something that you CAN do, because it has something to do with your mind – it is your mind, you can do something with it. Prayer has something to do with God. God is beyond, far away, one does not know where. What is His address? What is His name? Where to send these prayers? So you can go on praying to empty skies and deep down you know that this is all futile.

But maybe... perhaps it works, perhaps it doesn’t work, but it costs nothing, so one goes on praying. First prepare yourself in meditation. Meditation means a thoughtless silence, a thoughtless awareness. Peace. When that peace is there, one day prayer bursts forth. You simply see a bud opening in your being, your heart becomes a flower and there is much fragrance. That fragrance is prayer. You bow down. Now God is no more far away, He is very close by – you are bridged by your flowering.

Prayers done without meditation are formal, foolish. Prayers done without meditation are
meaningless – a sheer wastage of time and energy and life. I teach you meditation. And prayer cannot be taught. When meditation has happened, one day you stumble upon prayer. Prayer is grace. Meditation can be of effort, but prayer happens effortlessly. Forget about prayer and forget about God; you have first to do great work upon yourself. Be absolutely concerned with only one thing: how to drop the mind. In the dropping of the mind is all – prayer will arise. Prayer is a reward to a meditator; it is a consequence.

About this, the Eastern mystics are very clear – from Patanjali to Krishnamurti, they all teach meditation. And the reason is that the work has to be with the human mind. Prayer means a dialogue with the universal mind. Wait, be patient, first be capable of that dialogue. And then you need not go anywhere – when you are silent you hear that still small voice within your heart. In fact the dialogue is always started by God from the other side. You cannot start the dialogue, you can only be receptive; on your end a great receptivity is needed. And the moment you are ready, suddenly something is connected and the bell starts ringing. But the call comes from the other side. It is God who calls Adam ’Where are you? Where are you hiding?’

When Adam committed his sin, his mistake – when he ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge – he became very much afraid of God. God had prohibited it; now he had betrayed, he had been disobedient. He started feeling guilty. And God started searching for him – and he was hiding behind this bush and that, and God was shouting all over the Garden of Eden ’Adam, where are you?’

Since that day, God has been calling and you are hiding behind this bush or that. You need not have any prayer. You only need a silent heart which can hear the shouting God, the call of God. He is calling you, you need not call Him. Just be a deep receptivity. That’s what meditation is all about, it makes you receptive. In that receptivity you start hearing God talking to you. Real prayer is when God talks to you, unreal prayer is when you talk to God.

Source - Osho Book "The Revolution"

Monday, May 7, 2012



Enjoying the Mind

Step 1: Let the Mind Do Its Thing
Don’t try to stop [the mind]. It is very natural to you; you will go crazy if you try to stop it.

It will be like a tree trying to stop its leaves; the tree will go mad.

The leaves are very natural to it. You are a mind person. If you try to become a heart person you will create so much trouble for yourself, and unnecessarily, because there is a way which goes from the mind itself. There is no need to change yourself into a heart person. That will be against your intrinsic nature.

To be utterly in tune with your nature, to follow your nature, always listen. To be natural is to be religious, and to be utterly in tune with your nature is all that is needed. So the first thing: don’t try to stop your thinking; it’s perfectly good.

Step 2: Enjoy the Mind Doing Its Thing!
Just not stopping [the mind] will not be enough — enjoy it. Play with it! It is a beautiful game. Playing with it, enjoying it, welcoming it, you will start becoming more alert about it, more aware of it.

Start enjoying the thought process. Just see the nuances of thoughts: how they run together, how one thing leads to another, how they get hooked with each other. It is really a miracle to watch. Just a small thought can take you to the farthest end, and if you look you don’t see any connection.

A dog starts barking and your thought process is triggered. The dog is forgotten; you remember a friend who had a beautiful dog. Now you are off! Then the friend is forgotten; you remember the friend’s wife who is beautiful, and so you go on, and then other women.… Where you will end, nobody knows; and it all started with a dog barking! Just watch and see the association of thought — how thoughts are linked, chained together.

Go on easily, take it easy. Awareness will come to you but it will come indirectly. It will not be an effort to become aware. That’s what you have been doing: you are trying to become aware. Then the mind distracts you and you become angry at it. You feel that this is an ugly mind and it is constantly chattering; you want to be silent and it doesn’t allow you. So you start feeling inimical towards the mind. That’s not good; that is dividing yourself into two. Then you and the mind become two and conflict and friction starts.

All friction is suicidal because it is your energy being wasted unnecessarily. We don’t have that much energy to waste in fighting with ourselves. The same energy has to be used in joy.

To fight is to destroy yourself. There is no need to fight — love! All fighting energy has to be transformed into love energy. Just enjoy it, and soon things will start changing.

Osho, Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing, Talk #20
श्वास को विश्रांत करें

व्यस्त लोगों के लिये ध्यान

क्या आप और ध्यान खोजना चाहेंगे?
श्वास को विश्रांत करें

जब भी आपको समय मिले, कुछ मिनटों के लिये अपनी श्वास-प्रक्रिया को शिथिल कर दें, और कुछ नहीं―पूरे शरीर को शिथिल करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं। रेलगाड़ी में बैठे हों या हवाई जहाज में, या फिर कार में, किसी को पता नहीं लगेगा की आप कुछ कर रहे हैं। बस अपनी श्वास-प्रक्रिया को शिथिल कर लें। जब यह सहज हो जाये तो इसे होने दें। तब आंखें बंद कर लें और इसे देखें- श्वास भीतर जा रही है, बाहर जा रही है, भीतर जा रही है...

एकाग्र न करें! यदि आप एकाग्र करते हैं तो आप समस्या पैदा करते हैं क्योंकि तब सब कुछ बाधा बन जाता है। यदि कार में बैठे हुए तुम एकाग्र होने की कोशिश करते हो तो कार का शोर बाधा बन जाता है, आपके पास बैठा व्यक्ति बाधा बन जाता है।

ध्यान एकाग्रता नहीं है। यह मात्र जागरण है। आप बस विश्रांत हो जायें और श्वास को देखें। उस देखने में सब कुछ शामिल है। कार शोर कर रही है―बिलकुल ठीक, इसे स्वीकार करें। ट्रैफिक चल रहा है―ठीक है, जीवन का हिस्सा है। तुम्हारा सहयात्री तुम्हारे साथ बैठा खर्राटे ले रहा है, इसे स्वीकारें। कुछ भी नकारना नहीं।

Osho, अप्रकाशित प्रवचन

Saturday, May 5, 2012



Volume 1,Addresses at The Parliament of Religions Address at the Final Session→
Delivered on 26th September, 1893
I am not a Buddhist, as you have heard, and yet I am. If China, or Japan, or Ceylon follow the teachings of the Great Master, India worships him as God incarnate on earth. You have just now heard that I am going to criticise Buddhism, but by that I wish you to understand only this. Far be it from me to criticise him whom I worship as God incarnate on earth. But our views about Buddha are that he was not understood properly by his disciples. The relation between Hinduism (by Hinduism, I mean the religion of the Vedas) and what is called Buddhism at the present day is nearly the same as between Judaism and Christianity. Jesus Christ was a Jew, and Shâkya Muni was a Hindu. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, nay, crucified him, and the Hindus have accepted Shâkya Muni as God and worship him. But the real difference that we Hindus want to show between modern Buddhism and what we should understand as the teachings of Lord Buddha lies principally in this: Shâkya Muni came to preach nothing new. He also, like Jesus, came to fulfil and not to destroy. Only, in the case of Jesus, it was the old people, the Jews, who did not understand him, while in the case of Buddha, it was his own followers who did not realise the import of his teachings. As the Jew did not understand the fulfilment of the Old Testament, so the Buddhist did not understand the fulfilment of the truths of the Hindu religion. Again, I repeat, Shâkya Muni came not to destroy, but he was the fulfilment, the logical conclusion, the logical development of the religion of the Hindus.
The religion of the Hindus is divided into two parts: the ceremonial and the spiritual. The spiritual portion is specially studied by the monks.
In that there is no caste. A man from the highest caste and a man from the lowest may become a monk in India, and the two castes become equal. In religion there is no caste; caste is simply a social institution. Shâkya Muni himself was a monk, and it was his glory that he had the large-heartedness to bring out the truths from the hidden Vedas and through them broadcast all over the world. He was the first being in the world who brought missionarising into practice — nay, he was the first to conceive the idea of proselytising.
The great glory of the Master lay in his wonderful sympathy for everybody, especially for the ignorant and the poor. Some of his disciples were Brahmins. When Buddha was teaching, Sanskrit was no more the spoken language in India. It was then only in the books of the learned. Some of Buddha's Brahmins disciples wanted to translate his teachings into Sanskrit, but he distinctly told them, "I am for the poor, for the people; let me speak in the tongue of the people." And so to this day the great bulk of his teachings are in the vernacular of that day in India.
Whatever may be the position of philosophy, whatever may be the position of metaphysics, so long as there is such a thing as death in the world, so long as there is such a thing as weakness in the human heart, so long as there is a cry going out of the heart of man in his very weakness, there shall be a faith in God.
On the philosophic side the disciples of the Great Master dashed themselves against the eternal rocks of the Vedas and could not crush them, and on the other side they took away from the nation that eternal God to which every one, man or woman, clings so fondly. And the result was that Buddhism had to die a natural death in India. At the present day there is not one who calls oneself a Buddhist in India, the land of its birth.
But at the same time, Brahminism lost something — that reforming zeal, that wonderful sympathy and charity for everybody, that wonderful heaven which Buddhism had brought to the masses and which had rendered Indian society so great that a Greek historian who wrote about India of that time was led to say that no Hindu was known to tell an untruth and no Hindu woman was known to be unchaste.
Hinduism cannot live without Buddhism, nor Buddhism without Hinduism. Then realise what the separation has shown to us, that the Buddhists cannot stand without the brain and philosophy of the Brahmins, nor the Brahmin without the heart of the Buddhist. This separation between the Buddhists and the Brahmins is the cause of the downfall of India. That is why India is populated by three hundred millions of beggars, and that is why India has been the slave of conquerors for the last thousand years. Let us then join the wonderful intellect of the Brahmins with the heart, the noble soul, the wonderful humanising power of the Great Master.

True Education

<<<<<<<< Swami Vivekananda >>>>>>

"During his travels all over India, Swami Vivekananda was deeply moved to see the appalling poverty and backwardness of the masses. He was the first religious leader in India to understand and openly declare that the real cause of India’s downfall was the neglect of the masses.  The immediate need was to provide food and other bare necessities of life to the hungry millions. For this they should be taught improved methods of agriculture, village industries, etc. It was in this context that Vivekananda grasped the crux of the problem of poverty in India (which had escaped the attention of social reformers of his days): owing to centuries of oppression, the downtrodden masses had lost faith in their capacity to improve their lot. It was first of all necessary to infuse into their minds faith in themselves. For this they needed a life-giving, inspiring message. Swamiji found this message in the principle of the Atman, the doctrine of the potential divinity of the soul, taught in Vedanta, the ancient system of religious philosophy of India. He saw that, in spite of poverty, the masses clung to religion, but they had never been taught the life-giving, ennobling principles of Vedanta and how to apply them in practical life.!
Thus the masses needed two kinds of knowledge: secular knowledge to improve their economic condition, and spiritual knowledge to infuse in them faith in themselves and strengthen their moral sense. The next question was, how to spread these two kinds of knowledge among the masses? Through education – this was the answer that Swamiji found."!!
sources :-

Emotional needs for love

  <<<<<<<<<<<< "Emotional needs " >>>>>>>>

 "Most of our complex emotional needs can be summarized as the need for love. Men and women each have six love needs that are equally important. Men primarily need trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement. Women primarily need caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation, and reassurance. When you understand these 12 different kinds of love, it's easier to figure out what your partner needs. "!

self appendix opration

                  <<<<<< "Weird But True  ">>>>>>>

   "In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27, was the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. During the expedition, he felt severe pain in the stomach and had a high fever. Rogozov examined himself and discovered that his appendix was inflamed and could burst at any time. With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix. An engineer and a meteorologist assisted surgery. "!!


Sri Ramakrishna on Need of a Guru

A Devotee : Sir, is it necessary to have a guru?"

Sri Ramakrishna : "Yes, many need a guru. But a man must have faith in the guru's words. He succeeds in spiritual life by looking on his guru as God Himself. Therefore the Vaishnavas speak of Guru, Krishna, and Vaishnava.

One should constantly repeat the name of God. The name of God is highly effective in the Kaliyuga. The practice of yoga is not possible in this age, for the life of a man depends on food. Clap your hands while repeating God's name, and the birds of your sin will fly away.

One should always seek the company of holy men. The nearer you approach the Ganges, the cooler the breeze will feel. Again, the nearer you go to a fire, the hotter the air will feel.

But one cannot achieve anything through laziness and procrastination. People who desire worldly enjoyment say about spiritual progress: 'Well, it will all happen in time. We shall realize God some time or other.'

I said to Keshab Sen: 'When a father sees that his son has become restless for his inheritance, he gives him his share of the property even three years before the legal time. A mother keeps on cooking while the baby is in bed sucking its toy. But when it throws the toy away and cries for her, she puts down the rice-pot and takes the baby in her arms and nurses it.' I said all this to Keshab.

"It is said that, in the Kaliyuga, if a man can weep for God one day and one night, he sees Him.
(source :- same the previous one)

Param Hansa

Osho on Ramakrishna Paramhansa Sadhanas

Osho - There is another episode in Ramakrishna's life.... He did the sadhanas, the spiritual practices, of all religions. He is the only person in the history of mankind who tried to attain the truth through paths of all religions.

Ordinarily a person reaches by one path. When you have reached the summit of the mountain, who bothers about other paths? Do you walk the other trails up it then? Who cares? -- you have reached. The trail you came on, you came on; what's the use of walking all the others? But Ramakrishna reached to the summit of the mountain again and again, then descended.

He climbed by a second path, then by a third path. He is the first person who practiced the sadhanas of all religions and attained to the same peak through all religions.  Many have talked about synthesis -- Ramakrishna is the first to create a science of synthesis. Many people have said that all religions are true, but it has just been talk. Ramakrishna made it a reality. He gave it the strength of experience, he proved it with his life. When he was doing Islamic sadhana he became a real Muslim fakir. He forgot Ramakrishna and began chanting, "Allahoo... Allahoo."

He began listening to the verses of the Koran and lived right on the steps of the mosque. If he came near a temple he didn't even lift his eyes, let alone bow in greeting. He had forgotten about Kali.  In Bengal there is a sect, the sakhis.

When Ramakrishna practiced the sadhana of the Sakhi sect.... The Sakhis believe that God alone is male, everyone else is female -- Krishna is God, everyone one else is his sakhi, his girlfriend -- so in the Sakhi tradition men also consider themselves women. But what happened in Ramakrishna's life had never happened in the life of any follower of the Sakhi tradition. A man can believe on the surface he is a woman, but he remains a man inside, he knows that he is a man.

Members of the Sakhi sect take an idol of Krishna to bed with them -- this is their husband. But what difference does it make?  But when Ramakrishna did this sadhana something unprecedented happened -- scientists too will be surprised that such a thing happened.... He did the sadhana of the Sakhis for six months and after three months his breasts started to swell, his voice changed, he began walking like a woman, and his voice became sweet like a woman's. His breasts were growing, becoming the breasts of a woman's; the male structure of his body began to change.

Source: from book "the mahageeta volume1" by Osho

Param Hansa

Osho on Ramakrishna Enlightenment

Osho -There is an episode in Ramakrishna’s life.... For his whole life he had been worshipping Mother Kali, But at the very end he began to feel,” It is duality; the experience of oneness has still not happened. It is lovely, delightful, but two still remains two.” Someone loves a woman, someone loves money, someone politics; he loved Ma Kali – but love still was divided in two. Still the ultimate nonduality hadn’t happened and he was in anguish. He began looking out for a nondualist, a Vedantist – for Some person to come who could show him the path.

A Paramahansa named Totapuri was passing. Ramakrishna invited him to stop with him and asked, ”Help me to have darshan of the one.”

Totapuri said, ”What’s difficult in that? You believe there are two, so there are two. Drop the belief!” Ramakrishna replied, ”But dropping this belief is very difficult – I have lived with it my whole life. When I close my eyes the image of Kali is standing there. I drown in that nectar. I forget that I am to become one; as soon as I close my eyes there are two. When I try to meditate, it becomes dual. Help me out of this!”

So Totapuri said, ”Try this: when the image of Kali is before you, pick up a sword and cut her in two.” Ramakrishna said, ”Where will I find a sword?”

What Totapuri said is the same as what is said in Ashtavakra’s sutra*. Totapuri said, ”From where did you bring this Kali image? – bring a sword from the same place. She too is imaginary. She too is an embellishment of your imagination. Through nurturing it for your whole life, through continuously projecting it for your whole life, it has become crystalized. It is just imagination. Not everyone sees Kali when they close their eyes.”

After years of effort a Christian closes his eyes, and Christ comes to him. A devotee of Krishna closes his eyes and Krishna comes to him. A lover of Buddha closes his eyes and Buddha comes to him. A lover of Mahavira closes his eyes and Mahavira comes to him. Christ doesn’t come to a Jaina, Mahavira doesn’t come to a Christian: only the image you project will come. Ramakrishna’s effort was with Kali, and the image became almost solid. It became so real from constant repetition, from continuous remembering, that it seemed Kali was standing in from of him. No one was standing there.

Consciousness is alone. There is no second here, no other.
”Just close your eyes,” Totapuri said, ”raise the sword and strike.”
Ramakrishna closed his eyes, but as soon as he closed them his courage vanished. Raising his sword to strike Kali! – the devotee has to raise his sword and strike God – it was too hard. To renounce the world is very easy. What is worth holding onto in the world? But when you have established an image deep in the mind, when you have created poetry in the mind, when the mind’s dream has become manifest, then it is very difficult to renounce it. The world is like a nightmare. A dream of devotion, a dream of feeling is not a nightmare, it is a very sweet dream. How to drop it? how to break it?

Tears would start flowing from his eyes and he became ecstatic... his body would begin shaking. But he didn’t raise his sword – he would completely forget about it. Finally Totapuri said, ”I’ve wasted many days here. It’s no good. Either you do it or I’m going to leave. Don’t waste my time. Enough of this nonsense now!” That day Totapuri brought a piece of glass with him, and he said, ”When you begin to be absorbed in delight, I will cut your forehead with this piece of glass. When I cut your forehead, inside gather courage, raise your sword and cut Kali in two. This is the last chance – I am not staying any longer.”

Totapuri’s threat of leaving... and it is difficult to find such a master. Totapuri must have been a man like Ashtavakra. Ramakrishna closed his eyes and Kali’s image appeared to him. He was about to bliss out – tears were ready to flow from his eyes, overwhelmed, joy was coming – he was about to become ecstatic when Totapuri held his forehead and, where the third eye chakra is, made a cut from top to bottom with the piece of glass. Blood began to stream from the cut, and this time

Ramakrishna found courage. He raised the sword and cut Kali in two pieces. When Kali fell apart he became nondual: the wave dissolved in the ocean, the river fell into the ocean. It is said that he stayed immersed for six days in this ultimate silence. He was neither hungry nor thirsty – there was no consciousness of the outside, no awareness. All was forgotten. And when he opened his eyes six days later, the first thing he said was, ”The last barrier has fallen!”

three elements of a Human Orgasm

The three elements of a Human Orgasm why you feel bliss.

Tantra first teaches how to move in sex, how to know it, how to feel it, how to come to the deepest possibility hidden in it, to the climax, how to find the essential beauty, the essential happiness and bliss that is hidden there.
Once you know that secret you can transcend it because, really, in a deep sexual orgasm it is not sex which gives you bliss, it is something else. Sex is just a situation. Something else is giving you the euphoria, the ecstasy. That something else can be divided into three elements. But when I speak about those elements, do not think that you can understand them just from my words. They must become part of your experience. As concepts they are useless. Because of three basic elements in sex you come to a blissful moment.

Those three are:

Firstly, Timelessness

You transcend time completely. There is no time. You forget time completely; time ceases for you. Not that time ceases, it ceases for YOU; you are not in it. There is no past, no future. In this very moment, here and now, the whole existence is concentrated. This moment becomes the only real moment. If you can make this moment the only real moment without sex, then there is no need of sex. Through meditation it happens.

Secondly, You Become Egoless

In sex for the first time you lose your ego. So all those who are very much egoistic, they are all always against sex, because in sex they have to lose their egos. You are not, nor is there the other. You and your beloved are both lost into something else. A new reality evolves, a new unit comes into existence in which the old two are lost - completely lost. The ego is afraid. You are no more there. If without sex you can come to a moment when you are not, then there is no need of it.

Thirdly, the Unreal is Lost

In sex you are natural for the first time. The unreal is lost, the faces, the facades are lost; the society, the culture, the civilization, is lost. You are a part of nature. As trees are, as animals are, as stars are, you are a part of nature. You are in a greater something - the cosmos, the Tao. You are floating in it. You cannot even swim in it; YOU are not. You are just floating - being taken by the current.

These Three Things Give You the Ecstasy

Sex is just a situation in which it happens naturally. Once you know and once you can feel these elements, you can create these elements independently of sex. All meditation is essentially the experience of sex without sex, but you have to go through it. It must become part of your experience, not just be there as concepts, ideas, thoughts.
Tantra is not for sex, tantra is to transcend. But you can transcend only through experience - existential experience - not through ideology. Only through tantra does Brahmacharya happen. This looks paradoxical, but it is not. Only through knowledge does transcendence happen. Ignorance cannot help you towards transcendence; it can only help you towards hypocrisy.

(Osho - Vigyan Bhairav tantra, vol.1 #34)

<<<<< " अपनापन " >>>>>
" करे कोई घायल नयनों को तो परेशां हो उठें पलकें
गर ना झपकें कुछ देर जो पलकें तो रो उठें आँखें !
नेत्रों और पलकों का सा सम्बन्ध हो अपना
यही है अब कामनाअपनी सत्य हो सत्य का ये सपना !! "
(सत्य ...शर्मा )

<<<<<< " Real Affection ">>>>>>
" Missing someone when you are alone is not affection.......!
Thinking of someone even when you are busy is called real love..!!
(Satya...Sharma )

Friday, May 4, 2012

>>>>>>>" Don't Blame ! "<<<<<<<
why blame anyone in our life............!
Good people give us happiness........!!
Bad ones give an experience............!!!
Worse ones give a lesson.................!!!!
Best ones give us memories..............!!!!!
 (Satya...Sharma )

>>>>>> " Equality "<<<<<<
Friendship is association of two persons......!
Who may not be equal in..............................!!
Qualification ,Talent ,Money or age..............!!!
..........But ...........
Equal in their  commitment to understand each other.....!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


.>>>>>>>" Choices " <<<<<<<

'In life when you have to face two choices .......!
Just Toss a coin..................................................!!

 (Not because it settles the question...........But while the coin is in the air...)

 You will know, what your heart is hopping for....!!!
 And then............
 Follow your heart , not the coin.........................!!!!!!

(Satya ...Sharma )

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


>>>>>>>> "Relationship is more valuable "<<<<<<<
"Compromising does not mean........
 That you are wrong and some one is right......,
It only means that you value your relationship........
More than your ego...............................................................................!!!!
(Satya .. sharma )

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


<<<<<< " Silence ">>>>>>
"Sometimes we mantain silence .......!
To protect a beautiful relation........... !!
Toooooooo  much silence ............... !!! 
Creates tears to all beautiful relations.....!!!! 

(Satya.....Sharma ) 
>>>>> True Feelings of Mine <<<<<<,
" I may not have the sense how to talk the people.........!
........ But .........
My mind is so pure that there is no intension................ !!
To hurt some one ever...................................................!!!
( Satya...Sharma )

<<<<<<<<<<" One comes in your life " >>>>>>>>>
"when someone comes in to your life...........!
God sent him /her for a reason in to your life......... !!
Either to learn from him/her....................................... !!!
To be with him /her until the end................................. !!!!
( Satya.... Sharma )

Sunday, April 29, 2012


>>>>>>> " TRUE FRIENDS "<<<<<<<
"When desiny forgets to tie some people in blood relations ..... !
It corrects its mistake by making them true friends................ " !!


‎>>>>>>>> ' Smile - Smile and Smile '<<<<<<
Smile when you are in pain....for smile can make you lighter...... !
Smile even if someone hurts your fillings.....for a smile can win heart over...!!
Smile when you adore someone veru much...for smile can reflect your love...!!!
Smile even when you are depressed...for a smile can give a healing touch.... !!!!
Smile if you are not beautiful enough...for a smile can enhance your beauty... !!!!!
Smile with all your heart since its cost nothing but give everything...for it can win your enemies. !!!!!!
If it ever happens that some people is too tired to give you smile....why you not leave one of yours smile......... !!!!!!!!!!
(Satya....Sharma ) 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

प्रभु कृपा

>>>>>> ' God's Grace '<<<<<<
" God's grace is like a candle light in a dark cave........ !
It doesn't show you everything at once...................... !!
Gives you enough light for the next step to be safe...... !!!!

Ever Green Smile

‎>>>>>" Ever Green Smile " <<<<<<<
If each leaf of tree is your smile.....!!
Then ............ I promise you ,
I will become water for it through out my life..
To see your Ever Green Smile forever and ever.....

अच्छा - बुरा

>>>>>>>"Good - Bad "<<<<<<<
People say:-
"Find good people and leave bad ones.....!
But , what I feel.....
Find good in people and ignore bad in them.
Simply because.......No one is born perfect.!!"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

<<<<<< " True Love " >>>>>
 "True love is neither Physical.....
nor Romantic...............
True Love is an acceptance of all  this is,
has been , will  be and will not be......."!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

समय की क्रूर गति

>>>>>"मैं तुम्हे अपना बनाना चाहता हूँ" !>>>>

"वे गए विष दे मुझे मैंने हृदय जिनको दिया था,
शत्रु हैं वे प्यार खुद से भी अधिक जिनको किया था,
हंस रहे वे याद में जिनकी हजारों गीत रोये,
वे अपरिचित हैं, जिन्हें हर सांस ने अपना लिया था,
इसलिए तुमको बनाकर आंसुओं की मुस्कराहट,
मैं समय की क्रूर गति पर मुस्कराना चाहता हूँ "!
मैं तुम्हे अपना बनाना चाहता हूँ !!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

जन्म दिन

<<<<<< ' जन्म दिन '>>>>>>
"हमारे जीवन का एक  मात्र वह दिन है जन्म दिन
जब मुस्कुराती है हमारी माता
और बहुत रोतें हैं हम "!!
(सत्य..शर्मा )

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

सबक जिन्दगी का

 >>>>>>>>"सबक जिन्दगी का "<<<<<<<<<<
"मैंने कल एक झलक जिन्दगी को देखा , वो मेरी राह में गुनगुना रही थी !
मैं ढूंढ़ रहा था उसे इधर उधर , वो आंख मिचौली कर मुस्कुरा रही थी !
एक अरसे के बाद आया मुझे करार , वो थपकी देकर मुझे सुला रही थी !!
हम दोनों क्यूँ खफा हैं एक दुसरे से, मै उसे और वो मुझे बता रही थी !
 मैंने पूछा ? मुझे ये दर्द क्यों दिया , उसने कहा मैं जिन्दगी हूँ  तुझे जीना सिखा रही थी " !!
(Dolly )

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"लहरों का प्यार "

<<<<< "लहरों का प्यार ">>>>>
"लहर को था प्यार किनारे से पर सागर  का साथ मिला
तभी से खींच लाती है प्रीत किनारे पर लहरों को
पर ना हो रुसवा मुहब्बत छूकर ही वापस लौट जाती है " !!!
( सत्य ...शर्मा )

आदि शंकराचार्य जी का बाल जीवन

                                        <<<<<<"आदि शंकराचार्य जी का बाल जीवन ">>>>>
 "आदि जगद्गुरु शंकराचार्य जी का जन्म सन 788  ई ० में  केरल प्रान्त में कलादी नाम के गाँव में हुआ था !
  इनके पिता श्री शिव गुरु जी की मृत्यु इनके बाल्यकाल में ही हो गई थी ,इनकी माता आर्याम्बा ने ही इनकी पढाई पर विशेष ध्यान दिया .अपने जन्म काल से ही आपकी बुद्धि बहुत तेज थी , 3  साल की उम्र में ही आपने अपनी मातृभाषा मलयालम का भलीभांति ज्ञान प्राप्त कर लिया था .
  5   वर्ष की आयु में उपनयन (यज्ञोपवित ) संस्कार कर गुरुकुल में भेजा गया .गुरुकुल में 2  साल में ही आपने सारे वेदों  एवं शास्त्रों की पढाई पूरी कर ली और वापस घर लौट कर शिक्षा देने लगे जिससे अध्यापक के रूप में आपकी प्रसिद्धि दूर दूर तक फ़ैल गई .
   प्रशंसा सुन कर केरल के राजा ने आपको दरबार में पंडित पद पर बैठने के लिए बुलाया किन्तु आपने मना कर दिया .अत: राजा स्वयं आपके यहाँ आया और 1000  अशर्फियाँ भेंट में दी तथा अपने लिखे तीन नाटक दिखाए .आपने नाटकों की तो प्रशंसा की किन्तु अशर्फियाँ स्वीकार नहीं की .
   8 वर्ष की आयु में माता से आज्ञा लेकर संन्यास ग्रहण किया इस शर्त पर की माता की मृत्यु पर स्वयं आकर उनका अंतिम संस्कार करेंगे . " !!!  (सत्य ..शर्मा )                  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

आदि शंकराचार्य "

                << " आदि शंकराचार्य और उनके चारों शिष्य ">>
यह आदिशंकराचार्य एवं उनके चारों शिष्यों का चित्र है आदि शंकर चार्य जी के प्रथम चारों शिष्य क्रमश: 
 शंकराचार्य श्री हस्त्मल्काचार्या , श्री तोटकाचार्य ,श्री सुरेश्वराचार्या ,एवं  पद्मपादाचार्य उनके चरों ओर बैठकर  उपदेश ग्रहण कर रहें हैं !
आदिशंकराचार्य जी ने अपने इन चारों शिष्यों को भारत के चारों दिशाओं में सनातन धर्म के संरक्षण एवं संवर्धन के लिए चार स्थानों पर इनको नियुक्त किया ! जो निम्न प्रकार हैं :-
१. श्री हस्त्मल्काचार्य जी को दक्षिण में श्री रामेश्वर धाम  के समीपस्थ क्षेत्र में श्रृंगेरी मठ में.
२.श्री तोटकाचार्य जी को उत्तर में श्री बद्रीनाथ धाम के समीपस्थ क्षेत्र ज्योतिर्मठ  में .
३.श्री सुरेश्वराचार्य जी को पश्चिम में द्वारिका धाम के समीप गोवर्धन मठ में .
४ श्री पद्मपादाचार्य जी को पूर्व में जगन्नाथ धाम के समीप शारदा मठ में .
स्थापित  कर भारतीय सनातन धर्म की पताका की पुन : लहरा सम्पूर्ण विश्व को इससे अभिभूत करा !!
(सत्य ..शर्मा )

ख्वाबों को ख्वाबों ने रोका

           " ख्वाबों को ख्वाबों ने ही रोका "
"अपने  सपनों को मेने सपने में ही झिलमिलाते देखा 
प्रेम के आने से पहिले ही प्रेम का ख्वाब देखा !
तुम्हे गढ़ा गया जिन जगहों पे मन के गुलाबों से 
आज उन दरों- दीवारों, फूल -बहारों को वीरान देखा !
थक गए ,टूट गए , कम पड़  गए अरमान  दिल के 
जब तुम्हारी नज़रों में किसी और का ख्वाब देखा  !
मन है की मानता ही नहीं ,कहता है नजरों का धोखा है 
है कोई मजबूरी उनकी जो ख्वाबों को ख्वाबों ने ही रोका है  "!!
(सत्य ..शर्मा )

Sunday, April 1, 2012


<<<<"हिन्दू संस्कृति में शिष्टाचार के नियम ">>>>

१ .भारतीय संस्कृति में बच्चों के नाम सुन्दर और  प्यारे रखने की परम्परा है ,ताकि जब हुम उनके नाम पुकारे  तो हमारे ह्रदय में उठाने वाली  तरंगे उसी के अनुरूप अच्छी और प्यारी हों .
२. हर वक्त ,हर जगह ,हर एक आदमी के हाथ का बना खाना  खाने से बचना चाहिए .यह वैज्ञानिक ,आधुनिक दृष्टि कौण से भी उचित है .
३ .किसी रिश्तेदार के घर जाओ तो  उनके बच्चों को अपने प्यार का परिचय दो .तथा उनके लिए कुछ न कुछ जरुर ले कर जाओ .
४ .विशेष अवसर पर किसी को निमंत्रित करो तो उनके बच्चों को बुलाना मत भूलें .
५ .भोजन या जलपान के समय कोई  अतिथि ,विद्वान या परिचित आ जाये तो ,हो सके तो ,उनसे भी भोजन का आग्रह जरुर करें .
६ .जब कोई अतिथि हमारे यहाँ भोजन करें तो यही उचित है की हम अपने हाथ से उन्हें भोजन  परोसें और उनके भोजन कर लेने के बाद ही भोजन करें ,साथ भोजन करने की अवस्था में भोजन पहले उनके सामने रखना चाहिए ,
७ .किसी इसे स्थान में जाये जहां हमारा आदर सत्कार हो और हमारे साथ कोई मित्र या परिचित हो तो उसको भी यथा संभव अपने आदर सत्कार में सम्मिलित करना चाहिए .
८ .रोगी के पास उन्ही को ठहरना चाहिए ,जो उसकी सेवा करना चाहतें हों या उनका दिल बहला सकें ,यदि रोगी पसंद करे तो उसे अच्छी कहानियां ,धर्मग्रन्थ या अच्छे गीत सुनाने चाहियें .
९ .दूसरों की सेवा इस भाव से मत करो की उनसे कोई स्वार्थ सिद्ध होगा .सेवा अपना बड़प्पन प्रकट करते हुए ना करें अपितु विनीत भाव से करनी चाहिए .
१० .किसी को दान ,इनाम दूर से,घमंड से , घृणा से मत दो अपितु प्यार ,विनय और मुस्कुराते हुए देना चाहिए .

Saturday, March 31, 2012

राजा भोज का मक्का में मक्केश्वर पूजन "

<<<<<<" राजा भोज का मक्का में मक्केश्वर  पूजन ">>>>>
२०६९ वर्ष से पहले राजा भोज ने मक्का में जाकर वहां स्थित प्रसिद्ध शिव लिंग मक्केशावर का पूजन किया था ,इसका वर्णन भविष्य-पुराण में निम्न प्रकार है :-
                                                "नृपश्चैवमहादेवं  मरुस्थल  निवासिनं !
                                                गंगाजलैश्च संस्नाप्य पंचगव्य समन्विते : 
                                                 चंद्नादीभीराम्भ्यचर्य तुष्टाव  मनसा हरम !
                                                  इतिश्रुत्वा  स्वयं देव: शब्दमाह नृपाय  तं!
                                               गन्तव्यम  भोज राजेन महाकालेश्वर स्थले !! "
                                                                                                                       (सत्य ...शर्मा )

Thursday, March 29, 2012

वेदव्यास जी का ईरान भ्रमण ">

"<<<<<<< वेदव्यास जी का ईरान भ्रमण ">>>>>>>>>>
अठ्ठारह पुराणों के रचियता महर्षि वेदव्यास जी  इरान में वहां के विद्वानों को शास्त्रार्थ में हराकर आये थे !
उस समय वहां पर गश्ताशप नाम का राजा राज्य करता था  . व्यास जी ने इरानी प्रतिवादी को शास्त्रार्थ में पराजित किया था जिस पर उनको वहाँ पर बहुत सम्मान प्राप्त हुआ एवं प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त हुई ! इस विषय में पारसियों के धर्मग्रन्थ  ' शातीर '  में उल्लिखित है  :- 

                               "अकनु बिरमने व्यास्नाम अज हिंद आयद  !                                दाना कि  अल्क    चुना  नेरस्त  !!

अर्थात  :- "व्यास नाम का एक ब्राह्मन हिन्दुस्तान से आया . वह बड़ा ही  चतुर  था और उसके सामान अन्य कोई बुद्धिमान नहीं हो सकता  ! "
(सत्य ..शर्मा )

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

अद्भुत योगी

"पोटेशियम साइनाइड ( KCN ) खाकर भी जीवित रहने वाले भारतीय योगी "
पोटेशियम साइनाइड अत्यंत तीक्षण महाविष  है जो एक पल से भी कम समय में किसी भी प्राणी की जीवन लीला को समाप्त कर सकता है.विज्ञान द्वारा स्थापित इस सत्य को भारत के एक योगी ने असत्य प्रमाणित कर दिया !
      १६ जनवरी  सन १९३२ में विश्व के महानतम वैज्ञानिकों  सर सी० वि० रमण की अध्यक्षता में कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय में इस विलक्षण और अविश्वसनीय  प्रदर्शन का आयोजन हुआ !
      कलकाता विश्वविद्यालय के विज्ञान विभाग के रीडर डा० नियोगी ;इसी विश्वविद्यालय के फेकल्टी ऑफ़ साइंसके डीन डॉ० भट्टाचार्य ;रसायन शास्त्र विभाग के हेड ऑफ़ द डिपार्टमेंट डॉ० सरकार आयोजन कमेटी में थे !
     इसकी सूक्षम जांच समिति में पञ्च सदस्य थे :- १ ऑक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय इंग्लेंड के विज्ञान विभाग के अध्यक्ष ;२ पेरिस विश्वविद्यालय फ़्रांस साइंस फेकल्टी के डीन ; ३ न्यूयार्क विश्वविद्यालय अमेरिका के विज्ञानं रीडर ;४ मद्रास विश्ववद्यालय के एक प्रोफ़ेसर  तथा ०५ डॉ०नियोगि कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय  !
सम्पूर्ण दस्तावेजी प्रिक्रिया पूरी करने तथा योगी  नरसिंह स्वामी का पूर्ण परीक्षण के बाद पाहिले योगी के हाथ पर तेज तेजाब रखा गया उओगी उसे शहद की भांती चाट गए .पश्चात संखिया .कुचला आदि विष भी जब उन्होंने खा लिए .
अंतत सर्वसम्मती से योगी नरसिंह स्वामी को संसार का तीक्षणतम विष पोटेशियम साइनाइड ( KCN ) दिया
जय माँकाली का उद्घोष कर योगी ने उस तीक्षण विष को निष्क्रिय पदर्थ की भांति खा लिया और कड़े मुस्कुराते रहे .सम्पूर्ण सभागार में सुचिभेद सन्नाटा छा गया ,कुछ मिनटों के बाद तालियों की गडगडाहट ने उस सन्नाटे को भंग किया .सभी उनके चरण स्पर्श करने को होड़ लगाने लगे  और चरण स्पर्श कर अपनी श्रधा व्यक्त करने लगे !
(सत्य..शर्मा )

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

यादों का वो कारवां

>>>>>>>>>> "माँ "<<<<<<<<<
दूध के गिलास  में प्यार को यूँ घोलना
       बंद मुठ्ठियों को मेरी यूँ धीरे धीरे खोलना !
                   रूठना ,दुलारना ,और फिर वो मनाना
                                 याद आता है मुझे माँ यादों का वो कारवां !!

"पदार्थ का परमाणु विज्ञान - भारत की देन है "

               <<<<<<<,"पदार्थ का परमाणु विज्ञान  - भारत की देन है ">>>>>>>.
६०० सदी ईसापूर्व भारत  के दार्शनिक ऋषि विज्ञानिक "कणाद " ने अपने वैशेषिक सूत्र का प्रतिपादन किया था .
इस वैशेषिक दर्शन का सार है - "पदार्थ का परमाणु सिद्धांत".कणाद ऋषि को उनकी परमाणु आविष्कार के लिए जाना जाता है 
        उन्होंने ही पदार्थ अविभाजित होने वाले सुक्षम्तम कण को परमाणु नाम दिया था .इस सिद्धांत के अनुसार समस्त वस्तुए परमाणु से बनी हैं .और कोई भी पदार्थ का जब विभाजन होना समाप्त हो जाता है तो उस अंतिम अविभाज्य कण को ही परमाणु कहतें हैं .यह ना तो मुक्त स्थिति में रहता है और ना ही इसे मानवीय नेत्रों से अनुभव किया जा सकता है .यह शाश्वत और नस्त ना किये जाने वाला तत्व है .
       कणाद के अनुसार जितने प्रकार के पदार्थ होते हैं उतने ही प्रकार के परमाणु होते हैं ,प्रत्येक पदार्थ की अपनी ही प्रवृति और गुण  होतें  है .जो उस परमाणु के वर्ग में आने वाले पदार्थ के समानहोती है ,इसलिए इसे वैशेषिक सूत्र सिद्धांत कहते हैं !
        कणाद के एटमिक थ्योरी को तात्कालिक यूनानी दार्शनिकों से कहीं अधिक उन्नत और प्रमाणिक थी !
 (सत्य ...शर्मा )

<"कितना गहरा है सागर ?">

<<<<<<<<<"कितना गहरा है सागर ?">>>>>>>>
सम्पूर्ण विश्व का कुल ७१% भाग समुद्र में समाया हुआ है .इसका क्षेत्रफल ३६१ मिलियन वर्ग कि०मि०  है .
इसकी औसत गहराई लगभग ३७३० मीटर है  और कुल आयतन १३४७०००मिलियन घन कि ० मी० है .
महासागर का सबसे गहरा भाग प्रशांत महासागर का मरीना ट्रेंच है ,जिसकी गहराई ११,५१६ मी० है .
जबकि पृथ्वी का सबसे ऊँचा भाग " माउन्ट एवरेस्ट " है 

Monday, March 26, 2012

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

"ॐ जय जगदीश हरे " यह आरती भारतीय हिन्दुओं के तन मन और आत्मा तक को आनंद से परिपूर्ण कर एक अद्भुत शान्ति प्रदान करती है .कारुणिक आत्मिक एवं आध्यात्मिक विचारों से परिपूर्ण इस आरती को सर्वप्रथम किस व्यक्ति ने लिखा था ? कहाँ लिखा था? तथा किस भाषा में लिखा था ? जाने :- 
       सन १८६० में पंजाब प्रान्त के फिल्लोर नामक स्थान के एक विद्वान "पंडित श्रद्धाराम फिल्लौरी "ने घर घर में गाईजाने वाली इस आरती को सर्वप्रथम अरबी - फारसी लिपि में लिखा था .कारण की उस काल में पंजाब में यही लिपि मान्य थी . भारत के अबतक के इतिहास में सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय आरती यही है .


>>>>>>>>>>> " माँ "<<<<<<<<<<
जब थक जाएँ हैं   कदम  उठती है हूक
जब भर आतें हैं नयन   जुबान होती है मूक !
रिश्तों की भीड़ से  नहीं मिटती अब भूख
अब आ भी जाओ माँ,  आ जाओ ना !!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

शक्ति -पूजा

<<<<<< "शक्ति -पूजा ">>>>>>>>
प्राचीन भारत मेंदेवताओं के साथ साथ देविओं का भी अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है . शक्ति पूजा अनुयायीयों  को शाक्त धर्मी कहा जाता था ,शाक्त धर्मं का शैव धर्म से घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध रहा है . इसकी प्राचीनता प्रगेतिहासिक काल तक जाती है:-
सिन्धु सभ्यता काल में मातृ देवी के रूप में  पूजा की जाती थी !.
वैदिक साहित्य  में  उषा ,अदिति ,सरस्वती ,श्री लक्ष्मी आदि देविओं का वर्णन मिलता है !.
ऋग्वेद के दसवें मंडल में वाक् -शक्ति की उपासना है !
महाभारत में देवी महत्तम का विस्तृत विवरण है ! इस समय तक शाक्त धर्म ठोस आकार ले चुका था युद्धकाल में कृष्ण अर्जुन को दुर्गा उपासना करने को कहतें हैं !
मार्कंडेय पुराण में दुर्गा सप्त शती अंश का पाठ नवरात्रों में आज भी किया जाता है !

शक्ति की तीन रूपों में उपासना :- 

शांत या सौम्य स्वरुप में :-उमा ,पार्वती,लक्ष्मी , ये माँ के सौम्य रूप हैं !
उग्र या प्रचंड रूप में : -   दुर्गा ,काली  और चामुंडा ये माँ के उग्र रूप हैं !
काम प्रधान रूप में : - आनंद , भेरवी, और त्रिपुरा सुंदरी ये माँ के काम प्रधान स्वरुप हैं !
माँ के ये तीनों रूप आज भी विद्यमान हैं  ! सौम्य रूप में  जम्मू की वैष्णव  देवी !,उग्र रूप में कोलकत्ता में काली मंदिर  तथा काम रूप में आसाम के कामख्या देवी !

अत्यंत प्राचीन सिधु - सभ्यता में मातृ पूजन

<<<<<<< "  अत्यंत प्राचीन सिधु - सभ्यता में मातृ पूजन ">>>>>>>>>>>
वासंतिक नवरात्र  विक्रमी संवत २०६९ " मातृ- पूजन " के तीसरे दिवस को चंद्रघंटा के रूप में पूजा गया .
हमारे देश में ही नहीं अपितु विश्व के अनेक भागों में लोग माँ की पूजा अर्चना करतें हैं .मातृ  पूजा की परम्परा प्राम्भिक काल से मिलती है .!
नारी की महत्ता ,शक्ति .दया ,करुणा,एवं सहनशीलता के प्रति मानव का उसके प्रति कृतज्ञता ,समर्पण,और समर्पण की स्वीकारोक्ती का प्रतीक ही है !
ईतिहास में सर्वाधिक प्राचीन सभ्यताओं में से एक 'सिन्धु सभ्यता 'के प्राप्त अवशेषों में भी इस बात की पुष्टी होती  है ! उत्खनन से प्राप्त अवशेषों में नारी के अनेक रूपों में प्रतिमाएं इसकी साक्षी हैं ! 
नारी की  एक प्रकार की प्रतिमा में उसके गर्भ से वृक्ष उत्पत्ति का द्रश्य उसके जीव जगत उत्पत्ती को इंगित करता है !
नारी की अन्य प्रतिमा में शिशु को स्तनपान कराते का दृश्य उसके जीव-पालन को दार्शाता है !
नारी की अन्य एक प्रतिमा के सर पर पंख फैलाये एक पक्षी का दृश्य उसके संहारक रूप को दर्शाता है !
ये तीनो स्वरुप "आद्या शक्ति महासरस्वती ,महालक्ष्मी एवं महाकाली" के ही रूपांतर हैं ! ईतिहास कारों के अनुसार ये प्रतिमाएं  उनके धार्मिक जगत का चित्रण कराती हैं.!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


                                     <<<<<<<<<<" नववर्षाभिनन्दनम" >>>>>>>>.
               भारतीय हिन्दू  विक्रमी  नवसंवत्सर २०६९ 'विश्ववसु' दिनांक २३ -३-२०१२ दिन शुक्रवार से राजा व् मंत्री शुक्र के सानिध्य में उपस्थित हो रहा है .यह नव वर्ष आपके जीवन में नव  उल्लास .उत्साह एवं उत्कर्ष की बौछार करे !.
                साथ ही बासंतिक नवरात्र के शुभारम्भ पर आद्यशक्ति  महाकाली , महालक्ष्मी एवं महासरस्वती  आपके परिवार को  आरोग्य एश्वर्य सुख  समृधि से परिपूरित करें  !.
            इन्ही मंगल कामनाओं सहित आपको  "भारतीय नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं  !